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Files with Special Record Formats

exaEdit usually operates on conventional text files consisting of records that are separated by a Linefeed character (x0A) or by the two characters Carriage Return (x0D) and Linefeed. (Such characters are customary but not needed for reading the file. exaEdit writes them nonetheless.)

There are other ways of formatting records, especially in operating systems aside from Unix or Windows. exaEdit is able to read one of those: Records of a variable length, which is encoded in a 2-byte-field at the beginning of the record. The length field itself is not included in the length count.

When reading such files, exaEdit analyses the length field and assigns the read data to records according to the length specifications. A workfile thus created can only be saved as a conventional text file (see above) at the moment.

The command

is another alternative to reading data by separating via x0A. For further information see the description of that command.
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