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Setting Of and Going To Markers

It will occur quite often that you want to keep in mind a certain spot in the file you are editing in order to be able to go back there later. To achieve this, you may use the line number but this method is awkward and it might go wrong if there was a renumbering in the meantime.

A more elegant method is to set markers by using the command

The processing of this command consists in exaEdit memorizing the record of the current line.

With the command

you can go back to the marked record from everywhere in your file.

If you give the command SET another time, the previous marker is overridden and, again, the current line is marked.

With the command

you can inform yourself which record a following RETURN command would go back to.

If you give the command RETURN without having set a marker in the same workfile with the SET command, you receive the message

If you have deleted the record with the SET marker in the meantime, the commands SET ? and RETURN provide the previous record. To call your attention to this, you receive in both cases the following message:

This message will only then stop to occur when you define a new SET marker.

There is an extra SET memory for every single workfile. Thus, it is not possible to return to another workfile with RETURN.

The line marked by SET has the symbolic line number s, which you may use effectively in all commands needing a line number.

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