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RNLOCATE|NRLOCATE   [col1 [col2]] [/string/[H][I]]

Related commands: NLOCATE, also RLOCATE and LOCATE

RNLOCATE conducts a reverse search for the nearest line not containing the character string specified. As parameter you specify a character string. The character string has to be put in delimiters, normally. Above, the slash (`/') is used as delimiter; any other character is allowed as well. In practice, the special key on the lower right on your keyboard has proved to be useful. You only need a different delimiter if the character you have got used to is part of the character string specified. The delimiter at the end of the character string is omittable if the rest of the command line remains empty.

launches a backward search for the nearest line not containing the character string `abc'; launches a backward search for the nearest line not containing the character string `a/b'; launches a reverse search for the nearest line not containing the character string `bc' because `a' is the delimiter at the beginning and the delimiter at the end is missing. rnl abca would also launch a reverse search for the nearest line that does not contain the character string `bc'.

Please mind the final delimiter when concatenating commands:

reversely searches the nearest line that does not contain the string `abc' and then executes the command -2 while backwardly searches the nearest line not containing the string `abc ;-2'.

The search starts at the record before the one in the current line.

If the nearest line that does not contain the specified character string is found, that line is positioned into the current line. The section of the workfile displayed in the window is moved correspondingly.

If exaEdit cannot find a line not containing the requested string, the message

appears; the ... are replaced by the specified character string; the current line remains unchanged.

If exaEdit finds the character string in every record until the first record of the workfile has been reached, the search continues at the last record, normally. The search goes on until either the character string is found or the record from which the search started is reached without success, again. In the sentence above, `normally' means that the switch manipulated by WRAP is turned ON.

To show that the search has continued at the end of the workfile, exaEdit generates the message

This message is followed by either the positioning of the workfile section on the display or the message of failure mentioned above.

In contrast, if WRAP OFF is valid, the search ends at the first record of the workfile if the character string could not be identified. If the character string is there in every record that has been checked, these messages appear:

Frequently, it will be necessary to search for the same character string several times. Then it is enough to enter the command RNLOCATE without parameters; the last character string that has been searched for is used automatically.

The commands NRLOCATE, RNLOCATE, NLOCATE, LOCATE and RLOCATE use the same character string. The character string is the same for any workfile.

By default, the complete record will be searched. By giving two column numbers as first parameters the search is restricted to that area. A record will then be found if the given character string is not or not completely contained within the area. If only one column number is given, the search area goes from that column to the end of the record. The command ZONE can also be used for column restrictions (see description). When both ZONE and the column number parameters are in effect, the latter one precedes.

If RNLOCATE is used a second time, and then without any parameters, possible column restrictions are still in effect. But if a new search string is given, the restrictions are no longer in effect. A RNLOCATE with a (new) column restriction after another RNLOCATE will use the same search string as the first RNLOCATE.

You can search in hexadecimal form by giving the parameter

To this end, the given character string must be written in hexadecimal form. Since 1 byte is always defined by 2 hexadecimal characters, exaEdit always demands that the amount of the entered hexadecimal characters is even. Otherwise exaEdit will generate the error message Entering a character that is not hexadecimal results in the error message If, for example, the nearest previous record not containing a tab sign (hexadecimal 09) should be found, the command could be used.

When the parameter

( = `case-insensitive') is given, the search for the character string will be case insensitive (i.e. no distinction between lower and upper case characters). This means that will find the nearest previous record containing neither ab nor Ab nor aB nor AB.

If you have to use the parameter I regularly, the use of the command CASE is recommended. CASE can force other commands to act as if the parameter I was given. For further information see CASE.

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